1. Reduce Decimal Precision
By default, decimal precision is set to 7 digits, which restricts the length of integers to 11 digits (since one digit is reserved for the decimal separator). If you want to use more than 11 integers, you must reduce the decimal precision. For example you may choose to set decimal precision to 2, which allows you to express up to 16 digits of integers.
1.Copy the c8_location/configuration/CQEConfig.xml.sample file to c8_location/bin
and rename it CQEConfig.xml.
2.Open the c8_location/configuration/CQEConfig.xml in an editor.
Ensure that your editor supports saving files in UTF-8 format.
3.Find the crosstabDecimalPrecision parameter and
decrease the value to the decimal precision that you want.
4.Save the CQEConfig.xml file.
5.Using Cognos Configuration, stop and then restart Cognos 8.
2. Title: Tuning Performance in Cognos Reportnet or Cognos 8
Document#: 1013294.5
What are some recommendations to tune Cognos Reportnet or Cognos 8 to improve performance?
Change informations configuration to tun your environment.
Performance tuning is unique to each environment and each setting must be tried in isolation to determine the optimal setting through trial and error.
The following changes can be applied in Cognos Configuration.
- Change the default gateway(Cognos.cgi) to the alternate gateways (such as ISAPI, Apache_mod ).
- Java Memory : allocates Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for new Java objects. (max value 1024Mo)
- Increase the sort memory to 16 MB. The default value is 4 MB.
- Change the default font from Andale WT Unicode (International characters size of 26 Mb) to a light-weight font such as Arial (100 Kb). This change will improve PDF rendering time.
-> Bibus is dependent on allocation of Java memory value. Bibus process use 2Go max of memory so you need space for interaction between all Bibus. That the reason of max value of java memory (1024Mo).
Please refer to the documentation for specific steps
3. Title: UDA-TBL-0004 There was a Write error while processing a temporary file.
Document#: 1008958.3
Applies To: Cognos 8 BI Data Manager 8.1 | Cognos 8 BI Install and Config 8.2 | Cognos 8 BI Report Studio 8.1 | Cognos ReportNet 1.1MR1 | Cognos ReportNet 1.1MR2 | Cognos ReportNet 1.1MR3
SRs: 15
Collection: KB
Unable to run a report due to the following UDA errors.
Error Message -
QE-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlOpenResult'.
UDA-SQL-0114 The cursor supplied to the operation "sqlOpenResult" is inactive.
UDA-TBL-0004 There was a Write error while processing a temporary file.
The error will occur when the disk drive where the temp space is specified is out of free space.
Free some space or point the Temp Directory to another location.
In Cognos Configuration, the temporary location can be defined which all IBM Cognos ReportNet components create transient data files.
A similar occurrence of this error on UNIX has been known to be resoved by setting ulimit to "unlimited".
4. Maximum number of processes for the batch report service
default = 2
Jumlah processor x 2
Cth : Server di Pajak
8 x 2 = 16
RECOMMENDATION: As a starting point the recommendation is to configure 2
report processes per physical CPU
5. Maximum Number Process for The Inteactive Report Service
Default = 2
Jumlah processor x 2
Cth : Server di perusahaan x
8 x 2 = 16
RECOMMENDATION: As a starting point the recommendation is to configure 2
report processes per physical CPU
6. Maximum jobs during non-peak period
default = 8
Rumus = maximum number of batch report service processes * number of low affinity connections
Server di Pajak = 16 * 2 = 32 jobs
7. Changing the default Font
Cognos ships with the Andale WT font embedded in the product in
order to ensure that the product can render all supported languages. The
drawback is that the Andale font is 20M size. There is an additional cost for each
report processed as well as, performance trade off.
To resolve this select the lightest font that can support the (client’s) application
language requirements.
The Arial font is only 100Kb in size
mas.. mau tanya, kalo merubah seting max digit pada report di powerplay versi 7 gimana ya?
BalasHapuscobain di transformer pada saat membuat cubenya....disetting mau berapa digit dibelakang koma....