Cognos Quality Assurance (QA)
Beberapa yang bisa dilakukan ketika melakukan Quality Assurance (QA) cognos 8 :
Report studio
1. Tell me something about report studio.
Report Studio is a web-based tool that professional report authors use to build sophisticated, multiple-page, multiple databases.
2. Define bursting
Bursting is used to create many report results by running a single report once. For example the user can create a report that shows sales for each employee, and run it once, sending different results to regional managers by bursting on region.
3. Define cardinality
For OLAP data sources, cardinality is the number of members in a hierarchy. The cardinality property for a hierarchy is used to assign solve orders to expressions.
For relational data sources, cardinality indicates the nature of the relationship between two query subjects, query items, or other model objects.
4. What is cascading prompt?
A cascading prompt uses values from a previous prompt to filter the values in the current prompt or pick list.
5. Define class style
Class style is a combination of formatting characteristics, such as font, font size, and border, that the user name and store as a set. When the user applies a style, all of the formatting instructions in that style are applied at one time.
6. Define conditions. How is it used in reports?
Condition is an expression that yields a Boolean value. These are used in query expressions, query filters, and Boolean report variables that can be used for conditional formatting, styles, data sources, layout and blocks.
7. What is mean by cube?
A cube is a physical data source containing a multidimensional representation of data. A cube contains information organized into dimensions and optimized to provide faster retrieval and navigation in reports.
8. Define data source
Data source is a relational database, dimensional cube, file or other physical data store that can be accessed through Cognos 8.
9. Compare repeater and repeater table
Repeater in report studio is a cell container that repeats values within itself with no predefined internal structure.
Repeater table in report studio is a table-like container that repeats vales within itself with no predefined internal structure.
10. What is template?
Template in a reusable report layout or style that can be used to set the presentation of a query or report
11. What is report specification?
The definition of queries, prompts, layouts, and styles that make up a report is known as report specification. A report specification is combined with data by a run operation to create report outputs. The user can create report specifications by using report studio, query studio, analysis studio, or through the software development kit.
12. What is mean by style sheet?
Style sheet is a file that defines the formatting and appearance of data or a document. In XML, style sheets may be extensible style sheet language (XSL) files or extensible style sheet language transformation (XSLT) files.
In HTML, style sheets are cascading style sheet (CSS) files.
XSL and CSS style sheets can be embedded inside any XML document or referenced as an external, separate file.
13. What are summaries?
In reporting and analysis, summaries are aggregate values that are calculated for all the values of a particular level or dimension. Examples of summaries include total, minimum, maximum, average, and count.
14. What is mean by work area in report studio?
The area within report studio that contains the report, analysis, query or agent currently being used is known as work area in report studio.
15. What is the content of Insertable Objects Pane?
The Insertable Objects pane contains objects that the user can add to a report. This contains three tabs:
§ The source tab contains items from the package selected for the report, such as data items and calculations.
§ The data items tab describes the queries created in the report.
§ The toolbox tab contains a variety of objects that the user can add to the report, such as text and graphics.
16. What are the components of reports in report studio?
All the reports in report studio have two components,
§ A layout component that defines the report appearance,
§ A query component that defines report data.
17. What is layout in report studio?
Layout is a set of pages that defines the appearance and formatting of a report.
18. What is the report page in report studio?
Report pages are containers for the layout objects that the user use to build a report. A page is made up of the following mandatory and optional components:
§ Page header (optional)
§ Page body (mandatory)
§ Page footer (optional)
19. Give some examples of objects in report studio
§ List
§ Crosstab
§ Chart
§ Map
§ Repeater
§ Text
§ Block
§ Table
20. What are the different types of objects in report studio?
Layout objects are either inline or block object.
21. What are object containers in report studio?
Objects, such as tables, blocks, and any report frame are containers in which the user can insert other objects. For example, the user can insert a list in one cell of a table and a chart in another.
22. How do you create a sophisticated layout?
Nest the objects to create a sophisticated layout. For example, the user can insert a table in a cell of another table.
23. What is mean by unlocking objects?
To manipulate the contents of some objects, the user must first unlock the object. For example, unlocking the list object allows the user to insert another object inside the list column.
24. What is data container?
List, crosstab, repeater, repeater table etc. are known as data container in a report.
25. What is report template? What are the objects can be include to the template?
A report template is a pattern that the user uses to build reports. This template can includes HTML items, hyperlinks, page numbers, images, tables, blocks, etc.
26. How do you manage the report created by you?
The report can be managed by
§ Schedule a report or a group of reports to run at a specific time.
§ Distribute reports to other users
§ Print a report
§ Select the language used when a report is run
§ Set prompt values
§ Maintain the history of a report
§ Maintain different versions of a report.
27. What are the types of reports can you create in report studio?
In report studio, we can create
List report
In report studio, one report can be combining with one or more of other reports.
28. When do you have to use list report?
Use list reports to show detailed information from the database.
29. Tell me something about list report
A list report is a report that shows data in rows and columns. Each column shows all the values for a data item in the database or a calculation based on data items in the database.
This list reports can be used to show detailed information from the database.
30. What is the use of group span property?
When columns are grouped in a report, the user can choose how often to show column names by changing the group spanning.
Query studio
1. Tell me something about Query Studio in Cognos
Query Studio is the reporting tool for creating simple queries and reports in Cognos 8, the web-based reporting solution.
In query studio, you can
§ View data
§ Create reports
§ Change the appearance of reports
§ Work with data in a report
2. What is the content of a package?
Package contains objects that can be inserted into a report. Package contains
§ Query subjects
§ Query items, such as columns of measures and non-measures
§ Query items created by the data modeler, such calculated report items
§ Dimensions organized in hierarchies and levels
3. What is report item?
Items added from the package to the report are called report items. Report items appear as columns in list reports, and as rows and columns in crosstab reports. In charts, report items appear as data markers and axis labels.
4. What is mean by query subject?
Query subject represents a table in the database.
5. What is query item?
In relational data sources, query item, which represents a column of qualitative data in the database
6. What is a dimension?
Dimension represents a broad grouping of descriptive data about a major aspect of a business such as products, dates, or markets.
7. What is a hierarchy?
Hierarchy represents a collection of dimensional members organized into a tree structure, with each member having one or more parent members and an arbitrary number of child members.
8. What is level?
Level is a set of members that have common attributes. For example location dimension contain levels as country, region, state and city.
9. What is fact / Measure?
Measures or fact, a query item that represents a column of quantitative data in the database, such as quantity, price.
Measure is a performance indicator that is quantifiable and used to determine how well a business is operating.
10. What is model?
Model is a physical or business representation of the structure of the data from one or more data sources. A model describes data objects, structure and grouping as well as relationships and security.
A model, called a design model, is created and maintained in Framework Manager. The design of a model or a subset of the design model must be published to the Cognos 8 server as a package for users to create and run reports.
11. What are the types of reports can we create in Query Studio?
- List reports
- Crosstab reports
- Charts
- Chart with list report
- Chart with crosstab report
12. What is the use of grouping?
§ To suppress duplicate values
§ Sort the values alphabetically
13. What is meant by crosstab report?
A crosstab report shows a measure at the intersection of each row and column. This is useful for showing more information in a smaller area. Like list reports, crosstab reports show data in rows and columns. However, the values at the intersection points of rows and columns show summarized information rather than detailed information.
14. What is the use of charts?
- Use charts to present information graphically
- Use charts to see patterns and trends in data.
15. What is the use of condition styles in Query Studio?
Conditional styles are used to highlight key information in a report. This can be used with numeric data, text data, and date values.
16. What is the use of a filter?
§ Use filter to specify the subset of records that the report retrieves.
- Any data that does not meet the criteria is eliminated from the report, which can improve performance.
17. What are the types of filters can we use in Query Studio?
- Simple filter (based on one attribute)
- Complex filter (based on multiple attributes)
- Model filter (predefined filer – created in the model)
18. What is the use of prompts in query studio?
Prompts are used, when the user wants to use different criteria for the same report item each time the report runs. The report does not run until, the user choose the values or click the finish button. If the user clicks the finish button without choosing any values, all data is returned. Using prompts is faster and easier than repeatedly changing the filter.
19. What is the use of custom grouping in query studio?
Custom groups are used to produce a new report item containing values that are meaningful to the user.
- Convert a list of numeric results into broader categories (like sales attribute is categorized into low sales, medium sales, high sales)
- Reduce the number of values into a smaller, more meaningful set.
20. What is the purpose of drilling data?
Drill operations are used to view related data. The use can do drilling operations like drill up, drill down in lists, crosstabs, and charts.
21. What is cube?
Cube is a physical data source, containing a multidimensional representation of data. A cube contains information organized into dimensions and optimized to provide faster retrieval and navigation in reports.
22. What is data tree?
Within a studio (query studio, report studio…) a data tree contains objects such as query subjects, query items, dimensions, levels, and members. It is used as a palette of the available data that can be inserted into calculations, filters, display areas, and other authoring gestures.
23. What is drill down?
This is the process of navigating from one level of data to a more detailed level. The levels are set by the structure of the data.
24. What is drill up?
This is the process of navigating from one level of data to a less detailed level. The levels are set by the structure of the data.
25. What is mean by layout?
Layout defines the appearance of the report, including formatting, style, and design in reporting.
Layout is the portion of the specification that defines how the data returned by queries is presented that is in report specification.
Frame Work Manager
How to crate cubes in transformer?
Cubes are created using transformer. Cubes can be viewed using PowerPlay. Cubes have impromptu query definition (IQD) files as their sources. IQD files are generated from Cognos impromptu. IQD files contain, how the data has to be retrieved through catalogs and logical databases.
To create a cube
1. Save the impromptu report as IQD file. (IQD)
2. Open transformer, go to file-new-ModelName(user defined)-data source name(DWH name),source type(select impromptu query definition)-local data file(browse the IQD file save earlier)-check the auto design check box-clk finish-database logon wizard will be opened-enter user identifier and password to connect to the DB---click log on---A new model will be generated with Dimension map, Data source, Measures, power cube(still cube is not created) and Logical DB(imported from IQD file).
If you select "Run Auto design" option during the NEWMODELWIZARD, transformer automatically creates a dimension map and a list of measures for you. Even though transformer analyzes the data before creating a dimension map and list of measures, many a time they may not be totally accurate.
To avoid this we need to create Dimensions manually.
3. Now create new Dimensions in the dimension map area as per the requirement. select Dimension Map--insert Dimension--name the dimension--Drag and drop columns one below the other from data source(see that the columns are in a hierarchy, Because cubes will be created on these columns with all the possibilities to facilitate drilling, slicing and dicing operations)..Check the diagram, it is displayed empty. Data will be shown once the cube is created.
4. Go to "Run" and click on create power cubes. Cube will be created. Check the power cube area in the Model. You will observe a cube in that area. This cube can be viewed in PowerPlay.
This is one method of creating cube by using IQD file.
The method of creating cube is my creating a MODEL from Architect and generating a CUBE from that MODEL.
How to generate cubes in Cognos please add this question I am asking this question so many times but I am not getting the answer neither this question is getting added
Power Play Transformer contains dimension, measure, model and cube. We can generate cube different way.
1. Just right click on cube name and build
2. We can write script in Unix. Using that we can generate cube.
What is loop in framework manager?
To resolve the above problem, we have to create a shortcut (or) Alias to the Table T1.
---what is drill down and slicing and dicing whats the difference between them.
am not sure how to define a drill down but slicing can be defined as cutting horizontally along the dimension is slicing
and cutting vertically along the measure is dicing..
What is Cognos Powerhouse and what is it used for?
Cognos Powerhouse is High-Productivity Application Development Solutions equips you with high-productivity development environments for creating your data-driven business solutions faster,whether for Web-based, client/server, or traditional terminal-based access. PowerHouse has gained a worldwide reputation for productivity, reliability, performance, and flexibility.
How can you restrict access onto different parts of report given a report?
Give me any example of semi and non additive measures..
Semi-Additive: Semi-additive facts are facts that can be summed up for some of the dimensions in the fact table, but not the others. Non-Additive: Non-additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any of the dimensions present in the fact table. Current Balance and Profit Margin are the facts.Current Balance is a semi-additive fact, as it makes sense to add them up for all accounts (what's the total current balance for all accounts in the bank?), but it does not make sense to add them up through time (adding up all current balances for a given account for each day of the month does not give us any useful information). Profit Margin is a non-additive fact, for it does not make sense to add them up for the account level or the day level.
What was the actual purpose of portfolio in Cognos
Portfolio is like a summary page. Using portfolio u can demonstrate a generated report or survey to your clients. on one single portfolio you can place the links of the report, some video clips, some images and many more items.
The Cognos Portfolio is ideal for presenting and packaging Impromptu reports, and for combining them with information from documents produced by other products.As an application developer, you can create briefing books that contain links to ImpromptuReports, Power Play reports, Excel spreadsheets, or any other OLE client application. Use Portfolio to set up briefing books that let users view reports in a presentation style format.
What is IQD?What is contained in IQD? How you create IQD In ReportNet FrameWork?
(just Learned)IQD=Impromptu Query Definitions. IQD contains the query that is run againt the database to get the data. It also contains the database Information.
Create a new namespace.
2. Create a new query subject inside IQDReportNet.
3.In the query subject definition window, pull in all the data you need.
4. after creating, click on the new query subject, from the properties pane, select "IQD" from the drop down menu of externalizeMethod.
to Publish. u need to create a package.
1. create a new package. a WIZARD will open.
2. Name the new Package; select the IQDReportNet object from the project.
3. add security, select language, select the funtion list(DB), select the location from the WIZARD
4. Publish the package.
An .iqd file is typically created by Impromptu and contains the definition for a database query.PowerPlay Transformer can access relational data sources via Impromptu Query Definition files.If Impromptu is not available, you can manually create an .iqd file to provide access to relationaldata sources.An Impromptu Query Definition describes a source table from a Data Source. When you create a model in Transformer, the contents of the .iqd file are stored in the model and the embedded .iqd contents are refreshed when the data source is opened (that is, when you generate categories orcreate cubes). The .iqd contents are also refreshed when you click OK on the Data Source property sheet. Input values are retrieved from a supported database by executing an SQL query that is stored in the .iqd file.
How you drill from powerPLay to Impromptu?Explain all Steps.
goto tranformer,
build the cube
right click on the cube and open properties
go to drill through tab and select your report from that browse option
How create measures and Demensions?
You can create measure once you import all the data into the data source.You can create measures and dimensions by draging the required source from datasource into dimension map and measure tab.(need to find scope of measures for all the dimensions)
What are the different ways of adding data in Transformer?
Steps1. Right-click in the Data Sources list of your model and select Insert Data Source.2. In the New Data Source wizard, enter the name of the data source in the Data Source Name box.3. In the Source Type box, select the type of data source that corresponds to your source type and click Next.4. In the Local Data File box, enter the name of the source file.5. Enter the remaining parameters appropriate to your selected source, and then click Finish.Note: Depending on the type of data source, Transformer shows different options. For example, if your source is an Excel database, you must provide the named range of cells from the Excel worksheet.6. Transformer adds your specified source to the existing model, and you see your new source in the Data Sources list.
Explain the process of creating the catalog?
1 Start Cognos Impromptu Administrator.
2.From the File menu select Catalog -> New.
3. In the File name text box, type the desired name of the catalog. In the Description text box you can add a description but this is not mandatory.
4. In the Database dropdown select the database that you want to use or click on the "Databases" button select an ODBC connection that you want to use i.e. DB2, Oracle etc. and click the "New Database" button.
5. Click "Ok" and enter the database logon and password. Click "OK" again. You should see a database icon in the lower left of you screen without a red X over it.
6. Select the tables that you want to use my highlighting them on the left side and using the "Add" arrow key to add them to the "Catalog Tables" side. Click "Ok" when your finished.
7. To create Joins in your tables select the table under the "Join path" window and the table that you want to join it to from the "Available tables" window.
8. Click "Add" and choose the fields to join the tables, click the "Add link" button to create your join.
What are the Ways to Import Data into Catalong?(2 ways)
one through Database optionother one though hotfile option
How do add dynamic titles in PP?
powerplayFrom format menu-->title, header & footer-->title-->insert report filename
what is the difference between group and associate?
When you group data, Impromptu sorts the data item you are grouping and removes duplicate values. You can organize your report by grouping on one or more data items. By associating a grouped data item to another data item, you can eliminate duplicate information from your report. You can associate one or more data items with a grouped data item. An associated data item should have a one-to-one relationship with the grouped data item. For example, Order No. is a grouped data item. For each order number, there is an Order Date. Order No. and Order Date have a one-to-one relationship.
what are the limitations of cognos reportnet?
what are the enhancements in reportnet ?
Limitations: When Report Net concatenates strings locally and if any of the involved strings contain null values, the result of the concatenation is an empty cell or a null value. This occurs because Report Net requires that an expression that involves a null value return a null value. Enhancements:• Creates a two-layer best practices Framework Manager model• Supports BI Series 7 single sign on• Does not require installation and configuration of Cognos Report Net SDK• Provides an update capability to the Framework Manager model• interoperability with either Report Net 1.1 or Cognos 8 by installing and configuring the Appropriate SDK components • Includes regular and measure dimensions that can be used with Cognos 8 Studios
please explain the different stages in creating a report in cognos report net
Before creating any report in report net make sure you are have the planning information you need.
Creating a report involves following steps:
Specifying a package
Choose a package through cognos connection>report studio>Select a module from the list.
Choosing a report template
Create a empty report first,click one of the predefined report templates ,click OK.
Adding query items
In the insertable objects plane, select the query item that you want to add to report, drag it to the desired location.
Saving report
Save the report from file menu.
Running the report
Open the report that you want to run.
From the Tools menu, click Validate Report.
A message box appears indicating whether any errors were found in the report.
If you want to enable Design Mode Only filters defined in the package, from the File menu,
click Use Model Design Filters.
Use these filters to limit the amount Open the report that you want to run.
From the Tools menu, click Validate Report.
A message box appears indicating whether any errors were found in the report.
If you want to enable Design Mode Only filters defined in the package, from the File menu,
click Use Model Design Filters.
If you want to set run options, from the Run menu, click Run Options.
From the Run menu, click one of the options to produce the report in the format you want.
You can produce a report in HTML, PDF, CSV, XLS, or XML.
what is Cognos Visualizer and Cognos Scripting?
visualizer is trends to creating a reports
Visualizer is a representation of data cubes in a dashboard format. We can drill through to the ground level of a hierarchy as like in power play report but cannot add or remove fields dynamically.
Cognos script editor : We can write cognos macros or programs in this tool and can fine tune or process some execution.
Cognos Visualizer:Cognos Visualizer provides powerful visual analysis to communicate complex business data quickly and intuitively. By going beyond simple pie or bar graphs, you can view and combine data in a way that lets you immediately see areas of concern, trends, and other indicators. Cognos scripting: You can use the Cognos Script editor, or any other OLE compliant editor to create, modify, compile, and run macros. A macro is a set of commands that automates the running of an application. You can automate most Cognos Business Intelligence applications by using the Cognos Script language (a BASIC-like language) the Cognos Script Editor, and OLE automation
Visualizer is a representation of data cubes in a dashboard format. We can drill through to the ground level of a hierarchy as like in power play report but cannot add or remove fields dynamically.
Cognos script editor : We can write cognos macros or programs in this tool and can fine tune or process some execution.
what are different datasources to develop models
Work with Source Data
Transformer supports a wide range of local data sources, including
• Impromptu query definition files (.iqd), which can query local or server-based databases
• delimited ASCII files (.asc) and comma-separated variable files (.csv)
• fixed-field text files
• local databases, including Microsoft Access, which can specify SQL queries against local or
server-based databases, Clipper, dBase, FoxPro, and Paradox
• PowerHouse portable subfiles
• spreadsheet crosstabs and databases, including Excel and Lotus 1-2-3
what are versions of cognos from starting release to latest in the market
version 5, latest version is 8.3 then reportNet 1.1.
what are products of Cognos
Cognos 6.6 7.0,7.3(PowerPlay, Impromptu)--ReportNet1.0,1.1mr1, 1.1mr22---ReportNet 8.0(latest)IWR is use by Impromptu to publish reports, PPES is used by PP, Cognos Connection is used by repornet. there are many other tools but these are the main.
explain how to create powerplay reports
To create a powerplay report
1)You have to create a IQD file from impromptu by saving IMR report as IQD
2)Use Frame Work manager model and externalise the query subject you want to use in powerplay transformer and powerplay
When you have the IQD file published to a location such as UNC
Go to powerplay transformer model and select new ,
select the data source name , and IQD file location either published from FM or Impromptu (saved as IQD)
You will see all the query items in the explorer then you can specify the dimensions like time and measures.
Then generate categories for the dimensions and measures .
Right click the cube and select create power cube , after that view the cube in cognos powerplay explorer.
We can also publish the cube to PPES(Powerplay enterprise server)
Publish the cube to the upfront
Use powerplay web explorer to view the cube
what is model and say about process how to create model and how to test model
Model Definition
Model in PowerPlay Transformer is combiantion of five windows- Dimension Map,Data Source, Measures,Power cube,Sign On. Models specify the data sources and then defining the dimensions, levels,and measures.They may also contain dimension views, user classes, user class views, and other authentication-related information.
The information for a model is stored in a model file, with the extension .pyi (binary, means platform depentent) or .mdl (text,platform independent).
Process To Create A Model
1. From the File menu, click New to open the New Model wizard.
2. In the Model Name box, enter a name for your model.
3. To control data access by means of user class authentication, select the Include Security in this Model check box.
4. Click Next and enter the name of initial data source in the Data Source Name box.
5. Select a Source Type from the list, and click Next.
6. Depending on the selected type, Transformer shows different options. Enter the parameters that correspond to your data source.
7. On the last page of the New Model wizard select the Run AutoDesign option to have Transformer create a preliminary structure , or by clearing this check box users own degisn can be created
8. When click Finish.
Transformer opens a new model based on specified source and shows you information about the source data.
Testing A Model
Model can Be Tested By check model option in Tool menu
what type problems we can face in general at report running time
the most common problems are -
1.No Data Appears in the Report (to remove this check data source or package)
2.Unexpected or incorrect values appears in reports , may be report is running with limited data
3.The report filter does not work, values are not coming in filter option is not able to oprm in excel ,cvs or xml
how can create users and permissions in Cognos
In impromptu menu go to Catlog->User profiles -> userclass tab -> click on Creator ->u can give there folder access,table access,filters,Governor etc
how can i test reports in cagonos
In cognos report net by the validate report option a report can be tested. If there will be any error, it will specify the the error, unless it will give message -'report specification is valid'.
how can i schedule reports in cognos
By using Cognos Schedular, one can schedule the running reports in Impromptu to execute and save it in desired format.
By using Cognos MACRO script language the reports can be executed and distributed to recipients by using mail applications.
Compiled Cognos MACROs can be scheduled using Cognos Schedular.
what is catalog and types of catalogs in cagonos and which is better
catalog is a file containing the information (Database tables) that Impromptu users need to create reports.
• personal • distributed • shared • secured
shared catalog is better
types of catalog in cognos impromptu.
personal,master distributed,shared,secured
master distributed catalog is better
types of catalog in cognos impromptu.
personal,master distributed,shared,secured
master distributed catalog is better
Catalog: a catalog is a file, which contains folders, columns, conditions, calculations and prompts.
1. Catalog does not contain any data.
2. It just contains the table structures and metadata definitions.
Types of Catalogs: in cognos, we have '4' types of catalogs:
1. Distributed Catalog.
2. Personal Catalog.
3. Shared Catalog.
4. Secured Catalog.
In general, we choose either Distributed Catalog (or) Shared Catalog.
what is the difference between a cascading report and drillthru report?why do we go for drill thru report?
cascading report works based on the condition
but drill thru work based on the data item what we select as a drill thru options
What is meant by Junk Dimension?
ans:- a diamension which does not changes the grain level is called junk diamension.
grain- lowest level of reporting.
"The junk dimension is simply a structure that provides a convenient place to store the junk attributes"
A junk dimension is a convenient grouping of flags and indicators.
What is meant by Junk Dimension?
How do you perfom while running the report?
Where will you see the time of running report?
Size of the cube?
What are the types of prompts in ReportNet?
What is macro and how it will be work?
What is difference between Cognos and Cognos ReportNet?
How do you create cube in ReportNet?
There are 10 facts are there.How will you connect all?
the main diff b/w cognos & Report-net is , connection to the single database in cognos and in the reportnet multi-databases can be connected. it is a web based toll
use this query i am retriving all years OCt data from 01-10-2004 to 30-10-2007
i need to restrect this query to current date and current year
[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month]between 01 and to_number(to_char(current_date,'MM'))and [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month]=to_number(to_char(current_date,'MM'))
pass polar ID
You have a function called 'extract' in cognos.
Ex:- extract(month,the dte field). by giving like this you will get month. so you can keep a filter to restrict the rows only for october.
How to show the data reported horizontally:
(For example:)
employee skill
1 a
1 b
1 c
2 d
2 e
2 f
Report result:
1 abc
2 def
Assuming 3 records per grouped item:
1. Group on employee
2. Create a running count based on the skill field.
3. Create 3 calculated columns based on the count field.
Call them skill1, skill2, skill3:
if (count = 1) then (skill) else null
if (count = 2) then (skill) else null
if (count = 3) then (skill) else null
4. Create 3 more calculated columns using the maximum function. Call them maxskill1, maxskill2, maxskill3
maximum (skill1)
maximum (skill2)
maximum (skill3)
5. Group on employee on maxskill1 on maxskill2 on maxskill3
6. report employee axskill1 maxskill2 maxskill3
How to pass multiple values from picklist prompt to sub report filter
The sub-report only includes the first value.
"When the sub-report query runs, it checks for the first row in the Customer Name column and shows only information for that customer. If you want a sub-report to show information for another row in the column, place the main report in a form frame that shows only one row at a time. When you insert the sub-report into the form frame as well, it changes as you click through the rows in the main report. For example, the main and sub-report above are both in a form frame that shows only one row of the Customer Name column at a time. Each time you scroll to another customer name, the sub-report shows only information for that customer."
How can I create a dynamic column name in Cognos
1.Create a calculated column which contains the information that the header is to contain, such as "Report for year 1999" (concatenated text and date to string sub string extraction).
2.Highlight the report, and then right-click.
3.Select Properties, and then click the Headers/Footers tab.
4.Clear the Column Title Header check box. This will remove the headers from your columns.
5.Reinsert the rest of the column headers; insert text will work. For the dynamic column, from the Insert menu, click Data and select the calculated column you created and insert it into the report.
which are the OLAP tools available that are supported by Oracle?
Oracle Warehouse Builder is ETL Tool its not OLAP Tool.
The OLAP Tool is Oracle Discoverer the version is 3i and 4i.
Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer, this the OLAP provided by Oracle corparation itself,
BO(Business objects 6.5,11i), Cognos which directly support to oracle
I am loaded with questions as I am an experienced ETL coder, but not an analytical report builder. I am using analysis services to build a cube but am trying to choose the reporting architecture. Can someone please confirm whether or not reporting services (using the business intelligence report) will allow for slicing and dicing, or is it only a static report builder. Also, if I am using the cube browser in analysis services, where can I put the option of NON EMPTY so that I don't see records that are blank.
Reporting services allows the slicing and dicing functionality. to see the non empty records, i think you have to create a calculated measure,to hide all the non empty rows.
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